Patrick O’Quin Family History

Patrick O’Quin was born either January or June 5, 1750 in Ireland. (Some records differ on his month of birth. (Jan. versus Jun.)) He arrived in the colonies as an indentured servant. Patrick’s last name was spelled "Quin" in the ships records. He was indentured to one Michael Simpson on April 22, 1772, in the Mayors court in Philadelphia. Patrick served in the Revolutionary War in the Virginia First Artillary for the entire length of the war. It is believed that he served in the stead of his indenturer, Michael Simpson (a common practice at the time,) and by doing so had his term of indenture terminated. His Army duty was listed as matross, A matross is a soldier who assists artillery gunners in loading, firing, sponging and moving the guns. He was awarded 200 acres of land after the war, on July 28, 1783, and was listed in the 1790 Census of Sampson County, North Carolina as Patrick O’Quin. Interestingly, the North Carolina State tax records for 1784-1786 indicate that he owned 250 acres. (A different census transcription lists his last name as Aquin...)

Patricks wife’s name was Elizabeth (Hurley?) Elizabeth was also an indentured servent who was indentured to Elizabeth Sawyer, also in the Mayors Court at Philadelphia, also on April 22, 1772. Records do not show if they were married before or after coming to America. However, as indentured servants were rarely allowed to marry, and given the exact same date of indenture, Patrick and Elizabeth were possibly married before leaving Ireland.

Patrick's estate records prove that died on or before December 16th, 1805 in Johnston County, North Carolina. (The inventory of his estate had this date.) After Patrick’s death, Elizabeth married Hardy Holmes on August 24, 1808. The 1820 Sampson County Census indicates that Elizabeth either dad a daughter by Hardy Holmes, or brought a daughter by Patrick with her into this marriage. Elizabeth died in Wayne County, North Carolina.

Patrick and Elizabeth probably had at least 9 daughters (names were not on 1790 Sampson Co. NC census), and at least 1 son - Wiley, who was born either May or June 29, 1799 in Cumberland County, North Carolina. (I have received some information which indicates that Patrick may have had at least one more son, one of whom was named Alexander, born after the 1800 census. This Alexander is known to have had a son named Wiley, which indicates a possible family tie. Wiley, is after all, an uncommon name.)

Patrick's (first?) son Wiley married Martha Elizabeth (Mattie) Dunford, daughter of John and Martha Dunford. Martha was born March 11, 1809, in Wythe County, Virginia. Wiley moved to Wythe County sometime before 1830, and was listed in the 1830 Wythe County Census (as well as the 1850 Russell County Census) as Wiley Gwinn (Note - many older people in southwest Virginia still pronounce Quin/O’Quin as "Gwinn". Also note that the 1850 Census indicates that Wiley could neither read or write.) Wiley then moved (or lived in the portion of Wythe County which became Russell County) to Russell County sometime between 1848 and 1849 (as indicated on the 1850 Census record of his children's birthplaces.) At that time, the area that is now Buchanan County was a part of Russell County. When Buchanan County was formed (1858), Wiley lived in the area that became Buchanan Co. He was awarded 92 acres of land in Buchanan County, Russell's Prater Creek in 1861.  Wiley died on February 8, 1881 - His grave is on the farm currently owned by Andy Deel

Wiley had 14 children, 12 with his first wife, Martha (Mattie) and 2 by his second wife, Abigail Coleman (a widow with 3 children when she married Wiley). They are listed in the attached sheet. Also, reference the 1850 Russel County (above) and 1860 Buchanan County, Virginia Census records (#777 and #778)

Wiley's sons Andrew, John and Rice S.W. (Superior Whitfield) served in the Confederate Army during the civil war - Andrew was a captain, Company C, 14th Regiment, Calvary, Kentucky Volunteers. Rice served in Company G, 10th Kentucky Cavalry, under Capt. Ratliff and Col. May. We do not know John or Rice SW's rank.

As you may notice (on the family tree and old records) many of the boys in the families had Jr. on their names, even though they were not named after their father. In those days Jr. only meant the younger of 2 people by the same name.

Above information gleaned from various sources, including the Ohio Historical Society, Ships Passenger Lists, American Geneological Society, "Virginians in the Revolution," Mayors Court Records of Philadelphia, PA, Hand-written record by R. D. Murphy, U.S. Census records, and Rice SW's application for Civil War pension.

Note: Ingenuity is needed when searching the records for O'Quin. The obvious mis-spelling is O'Quinn. As noted above, Aquin, O'Guin, O'Guinn, Guinn, and Gwinn have been seen, In fact, in one index, Wiley O'Quin was spelled by the census taker as Wiley O. Guinn, and the translator then spelled it as Wiley O. Gerinso!

Patrick O’Quin *  5 Jun 1750 – 1806 (possibly 5 Jan 1750)
m. Elizabeth (Hurley?)

Probable 9 daughters (unknown names) as 1790 Sampson Co. NC census records 10 females at Patrick's home.
Wiley O’Quin *  29 Jun 1799 – 8 Feb 1881
m. Martha (Mattie) Elizabeth Dunford  (11 Mar 1809 - 17 Jun 1853) At least one legend tells that she was killed by Indians. Nancy   4 Apr 1827
Elizabeth   8 Apr 1829 m. Bryant Breeding (census) Boy infant died in infancy
Elijah Breeding
James H. Breeding
John W. Breeding
Abel Breeding
Elizabeth Breeding
Nancy Jane Breeding
Hannah Breeding
Margaret Breeding
Millea  26 Sep 1831 m. Abraham Coleman. No children from their union Martha   20 Jul 1833 M.R. (Major Rodney) O'Quin m. Elizabeth Conaway(?)
    Major Rodd O'Quin m. Barbara Allen
        Florence O'Quin m. Carson Coleman
            Bennie Coleman m. Mary Vance
                Amanda Coleman Timmons
William O'Quin
James H. O'Quin
Nancy A. O'Quin
   Martha then married Wesley Stiltner Henry Stiltner
Fred Stiltner
Mintie J. Stiltner
Elizabeth (Betty) Stiltner
Andrew Jackson   15 Aug 1835 m. Lutitia Deel twin boys, unnamed, died in infancy
George W.
Wiley O'Quin Jr.
Cordellia   5 Mar 1838 Elgin W. O'Quin (died in infancy)   Cordelia then married H.M. Murphy Richard D. "R.D." Murphy
James B. Colley (per R.D. Murphy, James B. should have taken Murphy name)
    Richard D. Colley
    George Riddle Colley
    Cora Colley m. Levi Tiller s.o. Augustus M. Tiller and Rosina Deel
John W.   7 May 1840 m. Patty Deel Malakia (died in infancy)
Sarah Elizabeth
    John W. and Patty Deel separated.  John W. then married Sarah Deel d.o. Frederick Deel Sr. Elijah
John Henry
Nancy Alice
plus one daughter died in infancy
Lucinda   15 Jun 1842 m. William "Blue Bill" Combs Boone Combs    (died in infancy)
Aria/Arie Mae Combs    m. Luther Wright
Virginia Beauty Combs    m. Elihugh Wright
Rice S.W. (Superior Whitfield)   20 Oct 1844 – 29 Jun 1916 * Note: Rice is buried in O'Quin family cemetary off Virginia Rt. 603   m. Margaret Deel on 10 Feb 1867 Silas
John W. Jr.
Henry P. O'Quin m. (1) Laura James, d.o. Robert(Bob) Franklin James and Cosby Coleman.  (Laura died  25 Dec 1905) Vergie b 1902 M. Emett Farmer
Burton b 20 Dec 1905 d 1999? M. Lacey Deel, d.o. Lee Deel and Victoria Duty on 21 Dec 1931 Bobby Wayne
Erma Jean m. Robert Lee Yates
Betty Carol
Henry P.  O'Quin * married (2) Alta Deel, d.o. David and Martha Jane James Deel (sister of Bob James) Vernie
Ona M. Earl Owens
Ruby m. Chat Owens
Floyd b 1928 * m. Lily Tiller b 1933 d.o. Spencer Tiller and Rosa Johnson Rita Karen b 1953 m. Mark Stack Kate b. 1988 Brenda Kay b 1JUL1954, d 1DEC2005
Louie b 1956 m. (1) Carmen Falcon b. 1957 (m 13OCT1979) Cassandra b. 1987
Brittany b. 1989
  married (2) Andrea Shuga b. 1962 (m 24JUN2006)
Michael b 1957 m. Andrea Thornberg b. 1956 Christopher b. 1980
Karen Elizabeth (Kari) b. 1983
Patrick b 1963 m. Kelly Terry b 1965 Stuart b. 1986
Kevin b. 1988
Lindsey b. 1991
Kenneth b 1967 m. Jeanette Bettinger b. 1967 Keith Patrick b. 1999
Megan Elizabeth b. 2000
Emily b. 2004
Chloe b.1930?  m. William Tiller b.1924 s.o. Spencer Tiller and Rosa Johnson William
George Marion   m. Nellie White Deel
James H.
Elihugh b. 1890 d. 1977 Clinton O'Quin Robert  - m. Rosa Jackson
George M. 9 Sep 1846  m. Nellie Deel, d.o. Joshua Deel
        Ballard P.
        James A.
        John C.
        Rice S.W. O'Quin Jr.
        Polly J.
Elexious 5 Feb 1848
Anna   b 9SEP1852  m. Alexander Deel, Jr.
        Tiveo Deel
        James H.
Wiley married m. Abigail Coleman after 1853 Sarah  1 Jul 1858  

Last Modified 1 March 2011